How to Report Abuse

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Following are the basic steps to an investigation of child sexual abuse.

  1. Someone reports suspicion of abuse to authorities, either law enforcement or the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
  2. Interviews with the child are conducted, usually at the The Yellow House (the CAC building), by the CAC Forensic Interviewer.
  3. Medical exams are recommended and conducted if necessary.
  4. ADVOCATE: A Victim/Family Advocate is then assigned to the case.
  5. INTERVENTION: The child is referred for further evaluation and intervention at the CAC if necessary.
  6. Law Enforcement and/or DCFS will continue the investigation, which will include an interview with the alleged offender, if possible.
  7. A team of professionals (MDT) will meet to review and plan the case.
  8. The case may be referred to Criminal or District Court, or some other plan may be made for managing the case.